Sunday, November 21, 2010

God is Love!! #5

I got the chance to see one of my new favorite Christian bands in concert, Gungor. They played the song that's in this video and it was absolutely incredible. Before watching it, I must tell you a little bit about what it is referencing to; the video is sort of correcting the idea that the American church today has adopted that proclaims our God as a white male with a Republican point of view. This description of course is not true and, as I understand, God is definitely much more then the boxed of version of Him that we have created. Our God is big and powerful and accepting of all cultures, races, characters, etc. Our God certainly is an awesome God and this video proves that by the way it talks about His love for EVERYONE!! In the words of Gungor, "God is not a man. God is not a white man."

God will never be conceivable in our tiny human minds so it's time we stop trying to limit Him to what we think we know as 'right.' Some think that God is only Republican or only American and that is certainly not true. He loves all people and all types everywhere; the sooner we realize this, the more we will be able to get over ourselves and start loving people the He calls us to love them, unconditionally and freely. Please think about these things while you watch this video and enjoy:)

1 comment:

  1. Many say in order to be saved on must be baptized in water, I believe that is wrong. Many also believe that without water baptism one is not truly saved, I don’t believe that as well. I believe these are common misconceptions in churches now and days. I believe that water baptism is not a requirement for salvation rather it is a symbolic act. The bible tells us in Acts 2 that the Apostles baptized the people in the name of Jesus. Logically speaking that is literally impossible to do there were thousands of people there at that time. It would have been too hard for the apostles to baptize all those people in that one sitting.
    Many pull evidence from John 3:5 where Jesus says in order to be born one must be born of water and spirit. I believe when Jesus says that he means natural birth. I formulated this opinion off of the character of God. I believe God has a practical side to him. It just wouldn’t—in my opinion—make since to be born of water and be born again and then be born in the spirit and be born again. I believe there is one baptism which makes a person born again. Scripture exerts that it is grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ that saves us. In no way are we able to “do” anything to be saved. Baptism I believe is an act of faith which James speaks about when he says faith without works is dead. That is understandable but ultimately that doesn’t determine whether not one is justified or not.
    One may even go as far as to ask, what if someone accepts Jesus into their heart and dies before they get baptized in water. Does that mean that, that person is condemned to hell? Does that mean that, that person didn’t move fast enough? Bye no means! Water baptism is an outward and visible proclamation of faith just as Holy Communion. Your obviously not really eat Jesus or drinking his blood but the bread and juice is symbolic of His body and blood. Water baptism is to salvation as a wedding is to a marriage. A wedding doesn’t dictate whether a marriage is genuine or sincere but a wedding does outwardly proclaim an inward work. Baptism of water outwardly proclaims and inward work.
    Imagine a man accepts Jesus into his heart as his Lord and savior; however, this man doesn’t get baptized because he lacked an understanding of it. Due to his lack of understanding baptism was not a priority and so he just lived life as a Christian. Tragedy hits and this man dies before he got baptized; the question becomes, what happens to him and ultimately what saves us? If his destination is hell, why or why not? His destination cannot be hell. The bible says in Romans 10 that if you confess with your mouth and believe with your heart then you will be saved. That man couldn’t have went to hell because he wasn’t baptism in water that would go against God character and make God a hypocrite.
    In conclusion one must ask himself: who do I serve. If one serves the God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob then grace is what brings them salvation not works. Baptism is a work. All in all, it just goes back to God. It is his work in us. If we say that water baptism is “required” we drain God of His power, mercy and ultimately His grace.
