Friday, November 19, 2010

Someone Special

You may recall earlier in the year when I posted a blog about one of my friends that was cutting himself. Well I am still working on him and trying to show him the love of Christ but he is still very stubborn. When I talk to him I see a kind, loving, and caring guy and it just makes me wonder how he can be that way and have a secret so horrible. How can he be so sweet and care about others like he has no problems and yet feel so horrible instead that his only way out is through cutting? I do what can to be a positive influence on him but it never seems to be enough. Something always happens that makes him go back to the knife. He is usually pretty good when he is with me and when we talk a lot but if three days go by where we do not talk then he usually slips again. He has cut himself two times since I found out and each time was when he and I were not really talking. What can I do to help him overcome this horrible habit? I know he is looking for something more in his life but he does not know what. He knows where I stand when it comes to believing in God but he does not like to talk about it. There was a time in his life when he believed in God but because of the bad things he has been through he stopped believing. How can I bring him back to Christ? What is the best way to show him that Jesus does love him? I knew completing these Christian Service events was going to be hard but I did not expect them to be quite this hard? I am hoping that I will be able to do some sort of service for him that will show him God really is the thing he is missing in his life. (make up)

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