Friday, October 1, 2010

Selfish Ambition

I'm not going to lie, i used to do Christian service not to serve but to elate myself. I felt as though it would give me better status within the Church and make me a little more holy than most. In hindsight this was the worst attitude to have while performing christian service. We are called to serve as Christ did and to have the same attitude that Christ had while he was serving Phillipians 2:1-11. How did Christ serve? Christ made himself nothing, he took the very nature of a servant, and was humble and obedient. To truly serve as Christ did we must do nothing out of selfish ambition. Christian service is not something you do to gain status among peers, it's not something you do to gain salvation, christian service is all about making yourself nothing and serving others.

Christian service is done by humbly serving others. To humbly serve means to not let arrogance or pride stand in the way of service. Nobody is too good for any job. Pride is the mother of all sin, Lucifer was proud and it earned him a one way ticket out of heaven. We cannot let pride get in the way of serving others. I've seen pastors and deacons doing some of the dirtiest, filthiest, and most disgusting jobs working at church fundraisers at International Speedway, that is one example of humble service.


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  3. Blessed be the name of the Lord! The church congregation shouts in excitement. Glory to your name o’ God of Israel! They continue to shout. As the church service goes on, the crowd of excited “believers” continue to “worship.” A small group of teenagers came in. Two African American boys and two Hispanic girls were they. One of the young men; wearing a tank top and sagging basketball shorts, had tattoos and piercings in every visible area. The other young man was three inches taller than the first. Standing at 6’8” with the physique of an ox, he spread fear into others because of his intimidating demeanor. He wore a heavy black jacket with black jeans and black shoes. The first young lady was 5’8”, she wore a halter top and boy shorts. The other was five inches shorter than the first and wore spaghetti straps and a short skirt. They seemingly walked in together, yet they all sat in different corners. They stared at the ground the whole service and said nothing to anyone. People snickered and murmured concerning them. The “churched” folk spoke of them as if they didn’t exist. They rebuked the likes of them more than they rebuked Satan. Throughout service the pastor saw the teenagers and how they were being looked at. He indirectly spoke to the teens, he spoke of the redemptive power of God and how Gods love restores broken hearts. After all the hollering, jumping and running the pastor did the benediction. Within minutes the people began to change. The same people who were hollering, jumping and running were cursing, fighting and sinning. Those who shouted “Blessed be the name of the Lord,” took the Lords name in vain with no restraint. Not even a slight feel of conviction or care. They began to gossip about a group of teenagers that came into the church. They spoke of how sinful they must be, how repulsive they dressed and how much better they were. They quickly left the church ridiculing the teens and putting up Facebook statuses about them. Tragedy struck, a terrible flood destroyed the city and everyone died. They soon sat before the Lords throne. God rebuked the church folks and casted them into hell because they had false faith and no love. The teens; however, were brought into heaven because they recognized their sin and ;little did anyone else know repented and gave their hearts to Jesus that day at church. I was thinking about the scripture Mrs. Guthrie read to us on Wednesday and I decided to make up a random story about it. I hope someone enjoys it.

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