Friday, October 1, 2010

Chapel Service

On Tuesday Sept. 28th Arron Chambers, who used to be a former student here at fcc, came to our chapel service and gave a really good sermon. One of the things I want to point out that he talked about was being a servant in church. Being a servant means that if your part of the church don't just sit down and wait until it is finished. No!! Get involved with the youth groups, drama, preach, and even helping out to clean the church so that it maintains clean. However Mr. Chambers said that don't wait until you find a perfect church to serve you know what there isn't any! In my church there are always people coming and going and the ones who leave, leave because of the gossip or that they think our pastor is a jerk or they don't like the ushers. Simple truth if your waiting for a perfect church to serve then guess what keep waiting. Our Lord says in the Scriptures the put your Sight on Him not on man because if you do put your sight on man you will surely fall. I know it is hard trust me, I have seen many things and gotten hurt many times but the only reason I am in Church today was because God's strength. Look God wants you to serve him not the people. When your participating in some event in church don't do it because they asked you instead do it because the Lord is watching you and is proud that you are serving him. And one other thing that I want to point out is that Jesus Loves Everyone. No matter what happens in your church love then no matter what because Jesus made them and there are his children too. I can truly say that I love everyone at church, it hasn't been easy but i do no matter what happens in my church I will be like Jesus. Once again don't wait to find a perfect church to serve, stand up and serve Him now because the Lord would want that and He is the only person to impressed.

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