Thursday, September 30, 2010

My First Mission Trip

While in my junior year of high school l decided to go on a mission’s trip. This year we were booked to go to Chichiwawa Mexico. We would be working with children and helping to build a school. The year before we worked on building a soup kitchen, that now had been finished and been used every day to feed the villagers. Sadly two weeks before we were set to depart, a big drug war set off right in Chichiwawa. After a lot of thinking and many prayers we decided to change our planes and go to Galveston Texas. In Galveston we would be helping gut out house that had been hit a few years prior by a hurricane. The first day we arrived the lady in charge of the church we were staying in showed us our rooms. Well l freaked, it was a small room stacked with cots! I wasn’t use to small beds let alone army cots. After l got use to the idea of cots, the next thing l freaked out about was having to take a showers outside. The church had no showers, just a big bus outside with eight small cubicles in; we had 40 people in our group to share eight showers! The first morning l had to get up at five to get a shower, the water was cold and l wasn’t too happy for the rest of the day.
Our first project was to gut out an elderly couples house, which had been flooded by the hurricane. I stayed outside working on the yard, picking up trash that once was people’s belongings. I was amazed by the stuff l found, teddy bears, make-up, toys and even books just scattered all around the yard. It was sad picking up peoples belongings and putting them into the trash. Once we filled up bunches of black bags and cut the grass, the yard finally look liked a yard again. Sadly the house didn’t, it was so badly full of mould that we had to take all the dry wall down and anything that was on the walls. The house looked completely bare, just four walls, a roof and wooden beams where left standing. After a few days working on the house we had to leave and let builders take over, we start going around people’s houses asking if they needed any help. We did a lot of yard work and we got to tell people about our school and how we became to know the Lord.
My favorite part of the whole trip was getting to tell a young Spanish girl about the gospel, she later decided to ask Jesus into her heart. To me this was the most impacting part of the trip, and sleeping on cots and showering outside all off a sudden seemed to be worth it. I learnt that making small sacrifice’s later have big impacts on others, if l decided not to go on the trip then this young girl might have never got saved.

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