Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Christian services should they be mandatory?

Christian services should they be mandatory or should they be optional? Well some people believe that they should not be optional because if you are doing them then that takes away from what there really meant for. I mean just look at the word “Christian Service” what does that say to you? To me it means that you are serving Christ through services that affect others in the best way you can. So I believe if you are not into doing Christian services then you shouldn’t do them because if you are out in the public eye as a Christian doing this services then the public will always look at the negative side which is defiantly not what we as a Christian society want the public to see. But on the other side of the debate I can also see where they are coming from for making them mandatory. One way is that maybe if you get used to it then over time you will start doing them without worrying about getting in the certain amount of Christian Services.

Now that you have finished reading this tell me what your opinion is.

1 comment:

  1. I have a question: Is there anything you've ever done in your life because someone made you do it, only to discover you actually liked it?
