I got the chance to see one of my new favorite Christian bands in concert, Gungor. They played the song that's in this video and it was absolutely incredible. Before watching it, I must tell you a little bit about what it is referencing to; the video is sort of correcting the idea that the American church today has adopted that proclaims our God as a white male with a Republican point of view. This description of course is not true and, as I understand, God is definitely much more then the boxed of version of Him that we have created. Our God is big and powerful and accepting of all cultures, races, characters, etc. Our God certainly is an awesome God and this video proves that by the way it talks about His love for EVERYONE!! In the words of Gungor, "God is not a man. God is not a white man."
God will never be conceivable in our tiny human minds so it's time we stop trying to limit Him to what we think we know as 'right.' Some think that God is only Republican or only American and that is certainly not true. He loves all people and all types everywhere; the sooner we realize this, the more we will be able to get over ourselves and start loving people the He calls us to love them, unconditionally and freely. Please think about these things while you watch this video and enjoy:)